Game Log 1: Experience

1. Ideation Wheel & Capture Card

We have decided to work with the values Freedom and Rule of Law in our Digital game and are exploring the Landscape paintings of Room 1. We want to explore this in a point-and-click narrative game with humorous elements.

Example 1

One of the paintings that we are working - the piece captures well the atmosphere and idyalization that we want to reimagine into a modern aesthetic

2. Experience methods

We have used a mixture of methods but lean primarily on ValueStorming, where we have discussed the aesthetic and cultural values that the paintings present and how we might explore these values, using the remixing and counter-narratives as a method.

3. first idea: games through culture

We chose the second culture room: Landscapes because we found the information about how the paintings idealizes a period in history despite the grim historical context behind them. We found the fact that the paintings uses optimistic lighting and romanticized nature, despite the fact Denmark had lost several wars, was going through severe poverty, was a fun and interesting dichotomy. How come such a tragic period in Danish history was mediated through optimism?

We want to use this dichotomy to focus on how art mediates history and want to use the dichotomy as foundation for our gameplay.

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